Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Breaking Free!

I hired a dog walker! Because my husband gets home from work at least two hours after I do AND I work 20 miles from home, I was feeling really tied down by having to be home by a certain time every day to walk the dogs. Now, two days a week they get a nice long walk with a very nice woman and I can stay in Lakeland and do fun stuff. Yoga was on the menu for this evening but I forgot my comfy clothes and had to work late anyway. Definitely meditation tomorrow evening.

Ever read the Five Love Languages? I did; years ago. I'm "physical touch" and my husband is "words of affirmation". After all these years and having "read the book," it took my psychologist to educate me on how these principles can really improve relationships. And it took me years to find the "perfect" psychologist. I'm the type of person you have to "show me" or "tell me" before I "get it." Now that I get it I'm getting it more often! Ooooohhhhh, that's so . . . mature and honest?

Recently I had a discussion w/ a friend who is Catholic and, being raised by a Southern Baptist preacher (who was 100% Sicilian), I know nothing about Catholicism. She explained a little about her religious practices and then I told her all she needed to know about being a Southern Baptist. Guilt! My Dad, though I loved him dearly, was the King of Guilt Trips! And all my life we were never allowed to say words like "bra" (OMG) or "underwear" (How awful! the appropriate word is "undergarment") and even though I don't think my parents thought sex was bad --- unmarried sex was definitely very, very bad. Unfortunately that very, very bad training doesn't go away when you get married. Especially if you've had unmarried sex!

The pastor from the church we went to for many years called me at work today wondering why we hadn't been there lately. I told him why and he was ok with that, saying, "I'd rather be like a mushroom and not know." Now you know why I don't go to church.


Mrs H said...

Hi Jo Ann, I read your other blog, and you had posted about how no one was commenting, I have been reading your blog, while getting mine started. I went to leave you a comment last week, but it says I can't because I'm not a team member, not sure what that means. I really enjoy reading your blogs.

Not a Granny said...

The other blog won't let me post a comment under my blogger name/account.

I have also been reading both blogs. We love you and the family! How are things going? I see Kayli got moved okay.

Michele said...

Trying to comment on your other blog but it won't let me!!!!!! I'm not a Team member!!
" Comments on this blog are restricted to team members."
That is what it says..... grrrrrrrrr...... help!

Not a Granny said...

You have also been tagged with a Nice Blogger award over at!!